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Highlights from the March 28, 2022 Board meeting

The March 2022 Board meeting was held virtually over with 5 members attending.

Old Business

Shed guidelines are in development which will provide interested homeowners a path for installing sheds on their property.

The Spring Break and Movie Night events held on March 19, 2022 at the park were a huge success. Many thanks to all those who participated.

A permit for a shed at the park has been requested on the Orange County FastTrack website with construction documents and site plan uploaded. We are awaiting review and approval from Orange County prior to beginning construction.

Britton Landscaping Services will be arriving on site the first week of April to begin maintenance of the common areas.

New Business

Proposals to resurface the tennis and basketball courts were reviewed and a motion was approved to move forward with the project. We will also be obtaining quotes to repair the fencing around the courts.

The Southchase 6 Summer Games are fast approaching. Please go to the neighborhood website to register for the event and sign up for all the sports in which you and your teams wish to compete.

We are in the process of obtaining bids to install a porto-potty at the park.

We have begun conversations about holding a Fourth of July celebration at the park on the evening of Saturday, July 2nd to include food, fun, and fireworks. More to come but save the date!

Many groups were recently added to the website to help you find those with common interests. Check out the GROUPS page on the website and join your favorite groups.

Next Board Meeting

The next Board meeting will be held on April 25, 2022 at 7pm. You can connect from your computer or mobile device at or by phone at 1-312-757-3121 access code 231-357-373.

Thank you for being a member of the Southchase Parcel 6 community!

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